Appendix C



From: Cllr Jacqueline O'Quinn <Jackie.O'>
Sent: 20 April 2023 19:40
To: EHL Licensing <>; <>
Cc: Cllr John Allcock <>
Subject: RE: RESTRICTED - Weekly licensing list for the week ending 14th April 2023


EG CON ENDS 21.04.2023 VALID PPN & PCD (A)


Dear Jim,


Ref: 2023/01102/LAPREV  Hove Service Station, Denmark Villas, Hove.


I am writing to object to the above application for an extension to a 24 hour alcohol licence on behalf of residents in the area.  The grounds for my objection are:


-          This will create a public nuisance and anti-social behaviour and possibly on occasion criminal behaviour and damage.


The area to the south of the Service Station is heavily residential and residents already complain about noise and anti-social behaviour in the area, especially in the evenings and late at night.  There is a Tesco stores, Ralli Hall and pubs and take-aways at the top end of Goldstone Villas but these close at a reasonable time. Residents in REDACTED especially are very concerned about an all-night licence being granted to Hove Service Station as they often have people going into their rubbish and basement area and drinking late at night.  There have been fights and also fires being lit by said people.  Residents certainly don’t want people to be able to go across to the service station in the early hours to buy yet more alcohol.


Thus I object very strongly to this application and wish to attend the panel hearing when a date is set.


Kind regards


Jackie O’Quinn


Deputy Mayor for Brighton and Hove

Opposition Spokesperson for Children and Young People Committee

Goldsmid Ward Councillor

Member of Licensing Committee

Member of Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Member of Police Panel

Chair of Brighton and Hove Estate Conservation Trust

Member of Culture and Creative Industries Commission

Trustee for Brighton Dome and Festival Trust





From: Cllr John Allcock <>
Sent: 20 April 2023 21:23
To: EHL Licensing <>
Cc: Cllr Jacqueline O'Quinn <Jackie.O'>
Subject: Objection - Ref: 2023/01102/LAPREV Hove Service Station, Denmark Villas, Hove.

EG CON ENDS 21.04.2023 VALID PPN & PCD (B)

Dear All,

As a ward Councillor for Goldsmid, I am writing to object to the above application for an extension to a 24-hour alcohol licence on behalf of residents in the area. 

The area to the South of Hove Service Station is very residential and residents already complain about noise and anti-social behaviour in the area, especially in the evenings and late at night.

There is a late Tesco stores, Ralli Hall and two pubs (The Station and the Watchmakers) and take-aways at the top end of Goldstone Villa, however these close at reasonable times.

Residents in REDACTED are particularly concerned about an all-night licence being granted to Hove Service Station.  They often experience non-residents entering their refuse and basement area and drinking late at night. These people have lit fires and had fights.

Granting this licence would enable people to readily purchase more alcohol late at night in the early hours.

Therefore, the grounds for my objection are that Granting this licence will create a public nuisance and anti-social behaviour and possibly on occasion criminal behaviour and damage.

Kind regards


Cllr. John Allcock

Labour Councillor for Goldsmid Ward

Leader of the Labour Group

Co-leader of the Opposition

Chair of the West Area Housing Panel